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In this blog, you will find the latest news and developments in hospitality, English, and soft skills training. Our hospitality training blog will help you stay up-to-date and provide useful tips to enhance your training.

Hospitality Mindset

Cultivating a Hospitality Mindset for Exceptional Service

In the world of hospitality, how we think can shape how we serve guests. In a study by Carol Dweck in 1996, kids who thought they were smart struggled more with puzzles than those who believed in working hard. This idea holds true in hospitality too. Building a hospitality mindset is an important task for every team.

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Cognitive reframing can be practiced by adding yet to self-limiting statements.
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Cognitive Reframing: You Aren’t Happy… Yet!

We all have limiting thoughts. Some of them seem inherent (“I can’t sing”), while others are our own or other people’s opinions that have somehow stuck with us and turned into convincing self-narratives over time. “I am not cut out for being a manager,” “I always overshare,” “I can’t manage my time…” These presets may harm and limit us, but they also, in a sense, make us unique and contribute to our identity. That is why it is sometimes so hard to get rid of them. Cognitive psychologists suggest practicing reframing as one effective way to deal with self-limiting beliefs.

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